In our society groundwater is used for many purposes. We use it for the production of drinking water, process water, irrigation and energy. To this end water is abstracted through wells from the soil and in case of heat/cold storage also infiltrated back into the soil. Our great dependence on groundwater asks for careful planning of use of the soil to be able to satisfy our demands. In addition other activities above and below ground level also take place in that same soil. This can cause the chemistry and biology of the soil to change and behave differently, which can lead to clogging of wells. A decrease in productivity can be an indicator for such a well obstruction. Action is required to prevent the shut down of installations at the worst time possible, for instance during the winter in case of a heat/cold storage system.
To solve well clogging the first step is identifying the mechanical, chemical or biological cause. Corrosion accumulation for example can be caused by iron oxide-forming bacteria or by ferruginous water getting in contact with oxygen. In both cases corrosion will lead to clogging, but the cause and therefore the remediation is totally different. Every cause asks for a different regeneration method and regeneration agents. Following a successful regeneration we will determine which precautions can be taken to prevent future problems. For instance, in case of a biological cause we remove the grow factor for the bacteria.
Bioclear earth has the knowledge and the tools to identify the source of your well clogging problems. We advise you on how to solve the problems swiftly and prevent them whenever possible. Analyses needed for the detection of the cause are carried out in our own laboratory. Our experience ranges from relatively simple detection if the clogging material is of a biological or chemical origin to complex troubleshooting for underperforming of heat/cold systems. Prior to building activities we can help you with our expert knowledge to minimalize the occurrence of clogging.
Do you have questions considering well clogging, an underperforming heat/cold system or do you want our expert advise to minimalize the occurrence of clogging before starting building activities? Please contact Niels van Ras.