Creating with the power of nature

Our mission

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Creating with the power of nature

Soil & water
Sustainable improvement
Effects of fertilisation on soil life and nitrogen cycling: new insights, better decisions
Soil Health
Service Page
Project 'The Living Soil'
Peatland Restoration: Impacts on Soil Health
and Microbial Communities
Eline Keuning
Lead soil health

“My mission is to translate scientific knowledge into practical solutions that benefit a sustainable society.”

Unlocking the Hidden World
of Microbes:
key players in Anaerobic Digestion
BUFFER+: Restoring Peat Landscapes for a Sustainable Future
Afnan Suleiman
Specialist molecular soil biology

"I love to unravel the puzzles of nature and thus increase our knowledge that leads to innovation and sustainability"

About us
Bioclear earth part of international EU project LANDMARC
Land-Based Strategies to Beat Climate Change
Bioclear earth puts its expertise to use in optimizing biogas production in the European innovation project MICRO4BIOGAS
Soil health in the Northern Netherlands
Working together on soil health of the future
Jeroen Tideman
Senior consultant

“The solutions that nature invents, inspire me to create new things, that make the world a bit  more beautiful and more sustainable.”

‘Purifying green in the city’: using phytoremediation to improve
groundwater quality
The Netherlands more independent and self-sustainable thanks to efficiency of Green gas production
Freek van den Heuvel
Specialist water quality and phytoremediation

“If we work together with nature almost anything is possible.”

More economical use of water:
research into Biological Activated Carbon Filtration for decentralised wastewater treatment
Bioregeneration of activated carbon filter systems for treatment of washing water contaminated with crop protection agents
All clear for follow-up pilots
Sustainable Landfill Management
Pilot study on controlling contaminated groundwater with “Purifying trees” in Almelo
Risk assessment of overflow dredging:
circular use or disposal?
Water corridors: a natural buffer for a better soil and water quality
The application of effect-based methods in soil
NAWaBo: Natural Degradation of Groundwater Contaminants in Sediments
Adri Nipshagen
Senior consultant soil

“Making the world a bit more beautiful and better; that’s my drive.”

Northern Cooperation project:
in-depth research into soil resilience
Bugs are everywhere
Biosparging cleans up BTEX contamination even faster than expected
Area-oriented groundwater and soil management
New Focus on the soil remediation of a former gas plant site at Oude Tonge
Are willow trees
into Heavy Metal?
Sustainable water management and groundwater quality
Almelo future-proof
Industrial Nature
Diagnosing and solving clogging of wells abstracting groundwater
ATES plus: sustainable
cooling and heating
with a bonus
Niels Hofman
Environmental supervisor and chemical analyst

“Without a doubt nature is my passion, that’s why the combination of fieldwork, lab work and working at the office is ideal for me.”

A solid soil improver from slurry
Power to Methane

An Ancient biofuel
from CO2 and sustainable electricity

Soil research of the future: new opportunities for optimal soil management
Sytze Keuning
CEO and founder

“Prosperity and a healthy environment can go together successfully, if we are prepared to learn from nature’s intelligence and resourcefulness.”

Ancient Internet
Biological soil remediation
Healthy soil
Your Career at Bioclear earth
Why do you get up in the morning?
Risk assessment and management
In the footsteps of an industrial past
Microbiële analyses
From grass to gas
Bioclear earth laboratory
Groundwater remediation and location development Holwert-Zuid
Niels van Ras
Senior consultant soil & water

“Besides contributing to cleaning up our soil, I also want to help the people who are confronted with problems of soil contamination.”

Marcel Zandberg
Bio-IT Specialist

"I love creating new software solutions and solving biological challenges in close cooperation with my colleagues."

Jidske Knigge
Soil Microbiology Specialist

“What makes my job so fascinating is that you never know in advance what all the data you collect are going to tell you."

Cirsten Zwaagstra
Consultant soil & water

“I want to make myself useful for the environment.”

Sjoerd Jan de Vries
Specialist microbiology

"I like to look at issues in a matter-of-fact way in order to see how we can make things better and more beautiful."

Willemijn Brouwer
Specialist soil & water

"The great thing about my work is that I can really apply scientific knowledge to real-world problems."

Svenja Bents
Bioprocess engineer

"What motivates me is the belief that our work contributes to a more sustainable future."

Silke Douma
biology analyst

"I like the fact that I can help contribute to a more sustainable world with my work in the laboratory."

Renske Veenendaal
Laboratory Manager / Molecular Laboratory Analyst

"I love using my expertise in the molecular laboratory to contribute to environmental issues and a better world".

Dianne Schootstra
Molecular biology analyst

"It makes me feel good to know that my work is helping to make the planet healthier."

Brenda Speek
Researcher/PhD candidate

"For me, the most satisfying thing about my work is the opportunity to use my knowledge to help create a more sustainable world."

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